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Monday, August 27, 2007

I'm Back Again

The Bandit rolled back into PDX late Sunday night after 5 seriously kick-ass, showerless days of cheap beer, gourmet eats, rockin tunes, all around good folk, and 15 minutes of the worlds greatest massage courtesy of Hannah at the Floater. And thanks to the abnormally high percentage of bitter Seahawks fans, I even made it home with a couple Iron City barley pops in my cooler next to the kokanee empties and a drained bottle of cheap-ass vodka that got mixed with a very light dose of off-brand Sunny-D from a greasy gas station. It was a long-ass drive yesterday, but I made it home in one stanked up, tired piece. Two stops for gas, and a greasy burger and a rockstar were all it took. Speaking of which, can anyone tell me when the hell napkins stopped being a standard item when you get a ass-burger to-go from the drive-up? Whoever came up with the ri-goddamn-diculous idea to cut costs by leaving the napkins out of the bag deserves a kick in the nuts.

More later with some fantasy predictions. Why? Because there's nothing like writing about fantasy sports on a blog to make people really take you seriously.

EDIT: Added a link to Ian Newbill's Myspace page. Saw Ian and his band last friday at the Panida Theater in Sandpoint, Idaho, and he absolutely rocked the shit out of the joint. The guy has some serious songwriting talent and can play the fuck out of a guitar.

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