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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Oprah takes on Imus Issue

Quick note on one of the big issues of the last couple weeks, Oprah's doing a weeklong deal on the Imus thing, as everyone continues to give Imus more credit than he is due. He's a two-bit hack who made a horribly unfunny joke and apologized and got suspended and that should have been the end of it. Instead Rutgers held an hourlong press conference, and you know if you've got cameras and race issues in the same spot Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are going to show up to whip the nation into a frenzy and line their pockets with a little silver under the guise of being civil rights activists. Besides both the good reverends needed something to take the spotlight off of how they contributed to the Duke case a year ago. Then once those two got involved, Corporate America decided to take a stand and drop sponsorship with CBS, which led to CBS firing Imus. I've got no problem with Imus being fired (although now you're going to have talk show hosts afraid to say anything un-pc or risque, which as a whole I think is a bad thing), but if you were going to fire him, you should've done it immediately. Waiting until sponsors start putting away their checkbooks just makes CBS look like money-grubbing bandwagoneers.

Check out these columns from [black columnist]Jason Whitlock, pretty interesting take. Whitlock was on a couple talk shows last week and called Sharpton and Jackson terrorists and will be on Oprah this week as well:

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