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Monday, April 9, 2007

Crazy Guy of the Week

Man Swims Amazon

A 52 year old Slovenian man has completed a 3,272 mile long swim of the Amazon River. Starting at the rivers source in Peru, Martin Strel averaged around 50 miles a day on his historic(or as I like to call it, INSANE) swim. He managed to avoid piranhas, toothpick fish(this cute little guy swims up into your peehole or anus, sticks out a sharp spine to keep it in place and latches onto a vein or artery to feast), and even bull sharks that sometimes swim up into the river. Even after his doctor ordered him to quit, Strel finished the (pending) world record setting swim in a mere 9 weeks. Strel has broken the record for long-distance swimming 3 times before this. First with a 1,866 mile swim in the Danube in 2000, followed by a 2002 swim of 2,360 miles down the Mississippi, and finally with a 2004 jaunt of 2,487 miles through the Yangtze River in China. Congratulations Crazy Guy!!

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